
prepaid credit card for money transfer

Creditcard or Debitcard

Many transfer services also give you the option to use a credit card or debit card to make a payment. This is especially a …

sending cash to Africa

Cash Transfer

If you only have cash and don’t have a bank account in the country where you live and work, sending cash is for most …

Mobile Money

Mobile Money is a fast and secure way to transfer money to African countries. This lets you store money in your phone through your …

bank transfer

Bank Transfer

International bank transfer is a secure way to transfer money. When sending money to a bank account in a country in Africa this used …

Company History

We are a team of financial researchers from Africa, Europe and the United States. Our mission is to provide quality information about reliable ways to transfer money to, from and through Africa. We supply information on the services available, the countries applicable, as well as how to open virtual bank accounts, instant money transfers and transfer money worldwide.

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